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Lughnasa in Adelaide: February 1st


FREE shipping on all orders over $150 within Australia
Lughnasa in Adelaide: February 1st

Speak in Spells

Come in, come in and welcome to the new retail home of Sorcerous Sundries… Speak in Spells!

This has always been in the works and was something that was meant to be implemented over 12 months. However with my postpartum brain, the 12 months became six weeks and now we are here.

Yes, it’s a slightly barren place right now as all the labels have to be redone along with all the product pictures, but it will be worth it!

With new plugins and new codes, this little shop has the ability to grow and already has. Sorcerous Sundries was a one woman operation with the slight help of the child and husband but Speak in Spells… oh it’s already grown and there’s so many new things to share with you all!

speak in spells, australian witchcraft blog, wicca blog, witchcraft supplies, witchcraft shop australia, adelaide witchcraft

Why the Name Change?

As much as I love Sorcerous Sundries, it doesn’t work for business. When organising anything over the phone or face to face I was always asked how to spell it or that I have spelt “sorceress” wrong. Hell, in a few instances people have put “Sorceress Sundries” as a vendor shop name. On top of that, after polling fair goers about the name, general consensus was that it was too hard to remember and not catchy enough.
So the difficulty with spelling was one major point for the name change.

Another factor was that I want to expand the business to be able to have more staff and to expand into wholesale and wholesale imports of unique items. This sort of worked but it made a mess of the website and messing about with Google was a daily chore in the end. And with the staff thing, Sorcerous Sundries was a niche that didn’t overly allow room for other paths.

The last factor for the name change was the website itself. There were many issues with the site hidden in code that couldn’t be found or was too much of a time sink to bother with.

What is Speak in Spells Then?

Speak in Spells is almost the same as Sorcerous Sundries but for all paths of magic and a lot more items. It’s a place where you can request an item or spell and it may become permanent within this little store. 

Plus it’s also the beginning of a shop front in Adelaide. This project won’t be as rushed and everything is handled by another so I don’t mess up the timelines. The shop shouldn’t happen until the year 2027, it could happen before then but it may be another rushed job if so.

Regardless, Speak in Spells is a new home with many paths to take and I (and we) can’t wait to show you the magic to come!

Speak in Spells again soon!
(yes, this is the new cheesy sign off)

Join Speak in Spells on social media for updates:
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