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Mabon in Adelaide: 20th March


FREE shipping on all orders over $150 within Australia
Mabon in Adelaide: March 20th

blue moon spell, australian witchcraft blog, free witchcraft spells, witchcraft spells southern hemisphere, pagan spells, adelaide witchcraft coven

The spell we’re about to delve into harnesses the distinctive and potent energies of the Super Blue Moon to beckon life-changing opportunities.

Super Blue Moons are not just a celestial spectacle; they’re a powerhouse of amplified lunar energies! These rare moments in the cosmic dance offer us heightened intuition, emotional clarity, and a chance for profound spiritual insights.

It’s an ideal time to align our deepest desires with the universe’s potent forces to open new doors we might not have even known existed, or have missed.

This is a spell I’ll personally be performing this coming Super Blue Moon, as I’m still a bit bummed about missing out on a shop I had my eye on.

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