Colour plays a big role when it comes to candle magic. The colour of a candle help focus the spellweavers magic and attract the magical energy of that intent.
Example, you want to attract more money into your life. You think of $100 notes which is the colour green, you use a green candle. However, you may also think of bars of gold, which in turn, requires a gold coloured candle. These little thoughts are what help focus the spellcaster and concentrate on their spell.
The colour of a candle is important to a spell, however, if you don’t have the right coloured candle, use a white candle as it contains all colours.

This guide doesn’t follow the Wiccan religion. These are the colours that resonate with me and what my family has practiced for generations, with some changes (sorry Nan!).
Like all guides, it is just that, a guide! You do not have to follow this or any other guide. Find what colour rings true to your purpose, focus on that and weave the greatest of magic.
Candle Colour Magic
These are the quick magical properties of each coloured candle!
WHITE: All Purpose, Purity, Truth, Cleansing, Protection (deflective), Sincerity, Full Moon Magic and Blessings
RED: Strength, Health, Vigour, Lust, Sex, Passion, Courage, Male Fertility, Element Fire and Independence
BLACK: Binding, Night magic, Reverse magic, Scrying, Banishing, Absorbing and Destroying Negativity, Removes Discord, Confusion, Hexes, Curses and Addictions
GREY: Balance, Psychic Power and Neutrality
BROWN: Animal Magic, Home, Earth, Grounding, Stability, Construction and Material Goods
PINK: Love, Honour, Friendship, Nurture, Compassion, Protection of Children, Partnership and Self Emotional Healing
PURPLE: Insight, Royalty, Communication, Psychic Ability, Ancient Wisdom, Divine Power, Spiritual Awareness, Meditation and Intuition
GREEN: Finances, Money, Fertility, Prosperity, Growth, Luck, Employment, Rejuvenation, Element Earth and Abundance
YELLOW: Intellect, Attraction, Study, Persuasion, Confidence, Memory, Sun, Concentration, Joy and Element Air
ORANGE: Adaptability, Stimulation, Fast Change, Creativity, Inspiration, Legal Matters, Focus, Opportunity and Will Power
BLUE: Healing, Tranquillity, Happiness, Patience, Element Water, Change, Flexibility, Subconscious Mind, Comfort and Dreaming
GOLD: Male Energy, Sun, Great Fortune, Luxury, Fast Luck, Conscious Mind and Achievement
SILVER: Female Energy, Moon, Unconscious Mind, Values, Clairvoyance and Astral Travel
Candle Colours for Days of the Week
Monday: WHITE
Tuesday: RED
Wednesday: PURPLE
Thursday: BLUE
Friday: GREEN
Saturday: BLACK
Sunday: YELLOW
Astral Candle Colours
Aquarius: BLUE (primary), Green (secondary)
Pisces: WHITE (primary), Green (secondary)
Aries: RED (primary), Pink (secondary)
Taurus: GREEN (primary), Yellow (secondary)
Gemini: YELLOW (primary), Blue (secondary)
Cancer: WHITE (primary), Brown (secondary)
Leo: GOLD (primary), Orange (secondary)
Virgo: GREY (primary), Black (secondary)
Libra: BLUE (primary), Black (secondary)
Scorpio: BLACK (primary), BROWN (secondary)
Sagittarius: BLUE (primary), Red (secondary)
Capricorn: RED (primary), Brown (secondary)