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Mabon in Adelaide: 20th March


FREE shipping on all orders over $150 within Australia
Mabon in Adelaide: March 20th

How to Use Spell Oils

At markets we are often asked how to use spell oils and what purpose do they serve. Another common question is if our spell oils can be used in a diffuser – no, they can’t. The reason why is a whole other thing which we won’t get into here so back to why we are here!

Anointing oils (or spell oils) and their use in magic dates back centuries as they play an important role when working with a particular intent. We use these spell oils in sacred ritual, ceremony, initiations and to anoint almost any object to keep the magic flowing.

Most spell or anointing oils will contain plant material, as their spirits are powerful. In magic, we are calling upon the spirits of these sacred plants to aid us in our magical workings. Use them wisely and with respect.

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What to Look For

Perfume oils are no good for magic as they can contain synthetic substances. Synthetics contain no magic as they are made in a lab and not a natural form of energy. For magic, use oils that contain natural herbs, flowers, roots, or pure essential oils and absolutes. This isn’t to say perfume oils are bad, they’re just not what you want for manifesting your intention.

The goal is to seek out the most powerful all natural oils you can find from a reputable practitioner or witchcraft supply store you trust. If you’re up to it, you can try your hand at crafting your own oils from all natural ingredients and a strong intention.

How to Use Spell Oils

There’s no “one way” on how to use spell oils. Anything you feel that needs a little extra magic to it, a spell oil is perfect for the occasion! There a no limits to spell oils and their uses.

The most common, practical and simple way to use a spell oil is by rubbing some of the oil on to a candle. This not only welcomes the energies from the spell oil but draws in the energy from the elements of the candle, plus the colour if using one. I personally light a green coloured chime candle and anoint it with the draw money spell oil to slowly bring in money and grow this little shop!

What Can I Use Spell Oils On?

Other objects that can be anointed are door knobs, telephones, talismans and charms, money, vehicles, the list is endless. Be creative, after all it is your magic.

Ritual Tools can also be anointed with a spell anointing oils to heighten their power and effectiveness. You may wish to anoint the corners of your altar or dab a pentagram for protection.

Crystals are added to spell oils to create an extra boost in power. It is very important to know the structure of your crystals before using oils them. Some crystals should never come into contact with water or oil. Selenite is one of these gems!

Jewellery is a the perfect and fashionable way to carry the magic with you. Enhance the magic contained within earth’s precious minerals by anointing your gemstone jewellery and harnessing the magical energy within.

Oil Burners are a great way to allow the magical vibrations encompass your sacred space or home. Get a tealight oil burner or electric diffuser, add a few drops of your spell anointing oils or essential oils and enjoy!

Bath magic is an excellent way to utilise spell oils by adding in a few drops. This also applies to any essential oils or medical oils.

Carry the Magic with You!

Use an anointing oil to anoint the body during magical workings or ware as a perfume. When working with a specific intent it’s not unusual to want to carry the magic and continue manifesting your intent. Some spells and other workings take time to come to fruition. This is where you need to cast for a period of days, weeks or even months to manifest the final result.

Always test a bit on your wrist first as pure essential oils can cause a reaction on sensitive skin. This includes oils that say they’re safe!

Speak in Spells with you again soon!

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