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Mabon in Adelaide: 20th March


FREE shipping on all orders over $150 within Australia
Mabon in Adelaide: March 20th

uses for black tourm

This month’s free article is about the magical uses for Black Tourmaline, and I wanted to share it because of my current experience renovating a very old home.

I firmly believe in thoroughly cleansing a space and then protecting it energetically. For me, Black Tourmaline plays a key role in this process. As each room is renovated or newly built, I place a medium-ish piece of Black Tourmaline in every corner, paired with a protection spell bottle. This practice creates a protective boundary for the space.

If this resonates with you—or even if it doesn’t—here are five ways to work with Black Tourmaline for a magical purpose!

5 Magical Uses for Black Tourmaline

Protect Sacred Spaces

Place Black Tourmaline in the corners of your home or magical workspace to create a protective boundary. This crystal wards off harmful energy and keeps your sacred areas clear, supporting a harmonious and safe environment for rituals or daily life.

Enhance Grounding Practices

Hold Black Tourmaline in your hands while meditating or performing grounding rituals. Its strong connection to the earth anchors your energy, helping you feel stable and cantered during times of chaos or emotional upheaval.

Deflect Negative Energy

Carry or wear Black Tourmaline to shield yourself from harmful energies and unwanted influences. Hold the crystal during stressful moments or keep it in your pocket to create a protective energetic barrier that deflects negativity from your surroundings.

Amplify Protection Spells

Incorporate Black Tourmaline into protection spellwork to strengthen its effects. Use it in charm bags, grids, or as an anchor stone to magnify the intent of your spell and ensure its energy holds firm.

Clear and Stabilise Energy Fields

Use Black Tourmaline to cleanse and stabilise your aura. Hold it close to your body or wave it through your energy field to remove stagnant or disruptive energy, promoting a balanced and harmonious flow.

Be Safe!

Black Tourmaline offers strong protection, but use it wisely!

Avoid placing it in unsafe areas, like loose in your car or within reach of small children. Choose secure spots and be intentional when using its energy in spells.

I hope this article on magical uses for Black Tourmaline inspired new ways to work with this powerful crystal, and may we Speak in Spells again soon.

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