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Mabon in Adelaide: 20th March


FREE shipping on all orders over $150 within Australia
Mabon in Adelaide: March 20th

The Hermit Tarot

When it comes to the world of Tarot, the Hermit is probably one of my most favourite cards. It’s essentially the card of the introvert! 

Some say if you were to take the Hermit card in Tarot as a personality it’s a selfish card, but I say it’s the card of needing some alone time. A card that when pulled, tells you to go for a walk alone to enjoy the peace, to avoid going out to parties and outings. A card that tells you to spend time by yourself. 

The Hermit card is probably the only card that makes it very clear you need to tell people to leave you alone. Not out of malice or aggression, but because you need some time to think, to reassess the things going on around you.

On the flip side of things, the Hermit will also tell you that it’s not up to you to show someone the way. Your path is your path and no one else’s. It also means that if someone is asking you to be apart of their journey, that this is not a journey will be able to take with that person. And yes, this applies to loved ones or situations where the journey is meant for two people. If this card is drawn, you’re just not meant to go, and don’t force it! The Hermit is a loner, is happier and more at peace when left alone.

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