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Mabon in Adelaide: 20th March


FREE shipping on all orders over $150 within Australia
Mabon in Adelaide: March 20th

The Lovers Tarot

The Lovers tarot card is one of the most captivating and significant cards in the tarot deck. It is the sixth card of the Major Arcana and it depicts two individuals, often seen as a man and a woman, standing before an angel.

The Lovers tarot card signifies harmony, unity, and balance, as well as the need for self discovery and alignment with personal values. The symbolism of the card can also indicate a choice between two paths or individuals. 

Truth be told, this card rarely appears in my readings except when it pertains to decision making with another person. I also read it as a positive card as there are many other cards within a deck to suggest the opposite. Anyway, to the cards meanings!

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