You may be thinking “is Yule Christmas“ and if not, what the bloody hell is Yule then?
Yule (pronounced Yool), is of Germanic origins and is the Winter Solstice celebration. This marks the shortest day of the year and the longest night. It is a time for hibernation, conserving energy, giving thanks, healing, communication and death. Now you may read that last part and think that’s a bit harsh, but like the great balance of life, there is Litha – life.
Personally I don’t celebrate Yule nor have I done the usual deep dive into what Yule is about. However I apply some of the activities written here to my Midwinter (Yule) celebrations.
Now, just like the Litha post, some things need to be cleared up so there’s less confusion!

The Clear Up
Yes there is gift giving during the time of Yule, however, Yule is not Christmas and Christmas is not Yule.
Christmas is a Christian celebration of those particular days in December and not reliant on the season. On the other hand, Yule is a seasonal celebration that lands in Winter. So you’re more than welcome to say Merry Yule during the Australian winter months, but don’t say it during the time of Christmas, it’s Litha at that time.
So When is Yule?
Traditionally, it’s from the 19th to the 22nd of December, in the Northern Hemisphere. In the South however, it lands during our winter, from the 20th to the 23rd of June.
There are specific times and dates that midwinter lands on if you’re someone that likes to do things on the dot. I won’t write a time or day as it changes from year to year but a quick google search will give you the timings you’re after.
What to do on Yule
Since it is a time of rest, ideally you’d want to grab a cosy blanket, a hot cuppa and rug up next to the fire. But some of us have jobs, families or kids to tend to and so we can’t just be the cosiest melted blob in front of the warm fire that we want to be.
- If resting is not an option, make a warm alcoholic drink, sweet tea or some spiced fruit!
- Decorate your home like it is Christmas! Make wreathes out of native flora and fauna!
- Create a massive feast for friends and family of warm hearty foods!
- Decorate pine cones that can be later thrown into a fire!
- Create wonderful gifts for anyone and everyone!
Other things to do:
- Donate to charities
- Decorate your home in the colours of Yule
- Perform spells of protection
- Deep healing magic
- And most importantly, rest. I repeat, REST!
Yule Associations
Magical Intentions
- Darkness
- Renewal
- Transformation
- Divination
- Omens
- Purification
- Healing
- Messages
- Death
Herbs & Fruits
- Lemon Myrtle
- Orange
- Cranberries
- Mistletoe
- Bay
- Pine
- Ginger
- Cinnamon
- Frankincense
- Myrrh
- Valerian
- Eucalyptus
- Mushrooms
- Holly
Get Warm Cosy
So the majority of parts around Australia don’t get snow, we don’t have a heap of traditional mistletoe so our main tree isn’t an Holly or Yule tree but that doesn’t mean we cannot celebrate a seasonal celebration. Go outside and take a look around, what trees always around, what’s happening with the wild life and what inside chores can be done? How much resting and healing can I do? These are the things that make Yule, Yule!
Please remember that most councils have rules against cutting down Eucalyptus trees, even on your own property. If you want to chop down a hardwood tree for your fire, please contact your local council before hand.
Speak to you in spells again soon!