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Mabon in Adelaide: 20th March


FREE shipping on all orders over $150 within Australia
Mabon in Adelaide: March 20th

catnip fertility charm, australian witchcraft blog, adelaide witchcraft shop, fertility spells, successful fertility spells, witchcraft fertility spells

I intended to release this catnip charm spell for fertility with my last child, hoping to verify its repeated success, given my affinity for reliable spells. However, I remained curious to see if it would work again in the same manner. Thankfully, it did, as I am now pregnant again with what I asked for.

My earlier experience with this charm spell taught me enough to refine it and be more specific. I firmly believe that magic and spells are akin to contracts with incredibly fine print, where every word matters.

So, if you’re seeking to enhance your chances of pregnancy, here’s the charm spell I used for my recent two pregnancies in my mid to late 30s. And no, I don’t plan to have any more children after this one, just too old and I treasure my mornings.

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