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Mabon in Adelaide: 20th March


FREE shipping on all orders over $150 within Australia
Mabon in Adelaide: March 20th

spring brings change, australia witchcraft supplies, free witchcraft spells, australian pagan supplies, wiccan supplies australia, wicca supplies adelaide

Spring brings change, and as many of you know, I consistently steer the store in new directions, and this year is no exception. Last year, I changed the store’s name, introduced new items, adjusted memberships, and made numerous other changes. This time, however, the driving force behind the change is financial.

With global interest rates rising and soaring inflation, importing items no longer seems viable or sustainable for our shop. Although I’ve always prided our little Australian witchcraft store on its sustainability, currently, from a business standpoint, It’s just no a thing.

So without blabing on, I’ll break down each point in a little more detail.

No More Imports

I’ve always been passionate about searching for unique items that can amplify the magic in your (and mine) daily life. But recently, buying these items in bulk for import has become less sustainable. This shift has a ripple effect: without bulk imports, costs inevitably go up. And honestly, I find this increase a load of bs this time. Kinda because I’m still anchored to that “back in my day” mindset when looking at today’s prices, but also because there’s a lot of people putting up prices for no reason.

On top of that, the escalating postage costs are a killer. It’s alarming to see these costs surge multiple times within a single year, especially when we were used to just an annual increase. However, postage costs are the ONE cost that should be going up as it’s directly effected by petrol prices.


Going forward, this new stance on imports won’t just affect the usual items. It will also cover books, tarot cards, and any products not crafted in house or provided through consignment.

Less Memberships

I’m reducing and eliminating certain Inner Circle membership options. Of all the tiers, three stand out as the most popular, and I’ll keep those while removing the others. Even though many favour the ‘Apprentice’ tier, I’ve decided to take it out, so I don’t have to regulate who accesses what  articles and readings.

To counterbalance these changes, I plan to introduce free membership giveaways. Both current members and non-members can participate.

The main idea behind this initiative is to allow non-members to explore the benefits and access content that has been released over the years. On the flip side, if the winner is already a member, they will get to a have a month for free inbuilt into their subscription.

I hope this will also encourage new members to share feedback and express what they’re seeking when learning about magic.

No Physical Store

I intended to open a physical store last year, but with my unexpected pregnancy, those plans changed. Still, I’ve been actively searching for the perfect spot. I’ve come across some nearly ideal locations, but they were snatched up before I could make a move. And, truth be told, Adelaide offers limited choices in the desired areas of the East and South East.

Given the challenges of locating a suitable shop in these areas, combined with soaring inflation, neither renting nor buying seems feasible at the moment.

To address this, I’ve decided to continue showcasing the shop at medieval fairs annually. Additionally, you can find our shop at most Queen of Wands fairs throughout the year.

A shop WILL happen, the time is just not now.

No More Free Readings?

Some of you might recall that I used to offer free readings monthly through our newsletter, occasionally extending these offers on social media. My goal was to boost engagement, introduce the shop to new faces, and show gratitude to long-time supporters who’ve watched the shop grow.

But recently, these free readings aren’t reaching their intended audience. It’s unclear whether the newsletters go unread or if there’s simply a lack of interest in complimentary services. Given this uncertainty, I’ve chosen to discontinue the monthly free readings.

While I might offer them in the future as “spur of a moment type thing”, this has been somewhat disheartening. It felt right to pivot, as I don’t want lingering doubts occupying my thoughts when there’s a million other things to do.

Is This Forever?

No, this change isn’t permanent, but I won’t set a specific timeline either. I adapt when necessary, and presently, I don’t find compelling reasons to sustain certain operations. Understandably, sales have dwindled due to the tough economic climate, and social media engagement has dipped to almost non-existent levels. Then there’s the part where I’m growing increasingly frustrated with numerous Australian witchcraft stores resorting to AI-generated content.

With these as primary indicators, I’m redirecting my energy towards nurturing growth behind the scenes and hopefully creating something truly unique. 

So if you have your eye on anything, grab it while it’s still there as the categories will go as well!

Things to Look Out For

I’ll soon introduce new products and exclusive online content. I’m also working on a book, and you can expect workshops and free events on the horizon.

For those who chose not to join the Inner Circle, I’m developing a Patreon. It’s been a challenge trying to align what I offer in my shop with their platform, another reason for leading to the decision to simplify the membership tiers.

Additionally, I’ll be new herbs will come into play in the coming seasons.

Please note that I’ll reserve some of these herbs exclusively for members, given their limited quantity from my harvests.

There will also be more of a present on social media, whether it’s seen or not, that’s for the ridiculous meta algorithm to decide!

I truly hope we Speak in Spells again soon either on social media, via email or through this website.

Join Speak in Spells on social media for updates:
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