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Mabon in Adelaide: 20th March


FREE shipping on all orders over $150 within Australia
Mabon in Adelaide: March 20th

Book of Faery Magic


Only 1 left in stock


The Book of Faery Magic is a must for anyone wanting to grow closer to nature and to their own wild self. Rich in tradition, history, research and faery lore, it is filled with whimsical accounts of interaction with the fae. From the faeries we can rediscover who we really are, and awaken our natural abilities to create wonderful, enchanted lives that are full of meaning and purpose, fun and delight.

Whether you believe that faeries are truth or fantasy, The Book of Faery Magic is your portal to a state of being where fun, light-hearted and healing energy will help you fulfil all your dreams, transform your life and improve your relationship with the earth, your self and others. Within these magical pages you will: Work with the faeries for health and happiness.
Learn the legends, lore and history of the Little People.
Discover the magical properties of faery flowers, herbs and trees.
Plant your own enchanted garden and brew intoxicating potions.
Host a magical tea party and bake faery treats.

Want to learn more about magic? Click HERE for all free resources or join the Inner Circle for more in-depth lessons.

Every witch needs a library packed full of magical guides, lore and spells. A library where one runs their finger along the spine of each magical tome to weave their magic.
Allow Speak in Spells to do the hard work for you and find only the very best of magical texts!
In order to be able to supply the best books for all witches, same books will not return to the library.

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