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Mabon in Adelaide: 20th March


FREE shipping on all orders over $150 within Australia
Mabon in Adelaide: March 20th

Samhain Candle


Only 1 left in stock


This Samhain candle will not smell like pumpkin spice, or pumpkin anything. It’s a candle that  when lit, will aid you in releasing the old and creating the new. Samhain is a time of reflection and change, a time for remembrance, séance and divination work. During this time, the veil between the spiritual world and the mundane world is extremely thin, leading to heightened psychic awareness, powerful release of spells and easy communication to entities. Due to this, it is wise to cast protection spells, take care with your thoughts and words and perform banishing spells after communication with spirits.

Burn Samhain candle during the Autumn months for reflection, releasing, ancestral communication and inner-self workings

Place candle in a candle holder. Candle burns for 55-60 hours. Trim wick to 1/4 inch to enable better burning quality and time.
These candles are handmade and may have minor blemishes or slight colour change.

Want to learn more about magic? Click HERE for all free resources or join the Inner Circle for more in-depth lessons.

The purpose of a themed candle is to help evoke an emotion of that candle’s intent. Whether it be a place, a person or to draw your mind into being in the movie, game or the role of a person, these are the candles for you.

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    Yellow Chime Candle
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