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Mabon in Adelaide: 20th March


FREE shipping on all orders over $150 within Australia
Mabon in Adelaide: March 20th

Secrets of the Witch Oracle Cards


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Secrets of the Witch is an excellent oracle deck for those needing a little “pick-me-up”. Just imagine you could ask one of the wisest, kindest, most ancient beings that ever existed for advice, every day. With this delightful 55-card deck by the Witch and bestselling author Lucy Cavendish, you can do just that. Simply tune in, and ask the Witch for her insight and guidance.

The Secrets of the Witch is a mini oracle deck that is great on those days you need a little guidance.

Want to learn more about magic? Click HERE for all free resources or join the Inner Circle for more in-depth lessons.

Tarot cards are an excellent way to gain daily or in depth insight for the year to come. Draw one card for a quick peak as to what to watch out for or to gain a message of value. Draw more than one card to show different options, paths, possible out comes or why a situation may happen. This insight can help you change your path for the day or you can accept the card for what it is.

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