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Mabon in Adelaide: 20th March


FREE shipping on all orders over $150 within Australia
Mabon in Adelaide: March 20th

Shadow Reading Online


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A Shadow Reading is for those times when something negative is hanging on. The Darkness lets us delve deep into our fears, anger and the things we tend to bury deep within ourselves. This reading isn’t for what may come but what needs to be worked on now, within your Shadow self.

Channel your intent and allow yourself to dig deep into the root of the problem! Don’t be afraid to look into the darkness with the intent on bringing in loving light to your spirit and whole being.

An Oracle Shadow reading is a messages from current energies. Showing you options, paths and possible outcomes if you continue down your current path. This gives you insight on how you can change your path in your favour or accept the read for what it is and change nothing.

This card reading will be via email with a photo of the chosen card. A short paragraph will follow the picture explaining the cards meaning. Please allow up to 3 business days for your reading via email.
It is policy to never predict names, exact numbers or days, death and illness, infertility, and legal matter outcomes. No refunds if you do not like the outcome or change your mind.

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