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Mabon in Adelaide: 20th March


FREE shipping on all orders over $150 within Australia
Mabon in Adelaide: March 20th


Thorsons Principle of Runes

Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $22.00.

Only 1 left in stock


Thorsons’ Principle of Runes offers a comprehensive introduction to the ancient and captivating runic system of writing and divination. The runes, among the oldest languages known, intertwined with the language, art, and magic of early human societies. These symbolic forms embody the profound mysteries of human consciousness and its origins.

Various runic alphabets, or “futharks,” have developed over time, including the Anglo-Saxon and Germanic systems. Thorsons’ Principle of Runes thoroughly explores the history and evolution of these alphabets, offering an in-depth understanding of their significance.

Over the past decade, the runic system has gained immense popularity as both a predictive tool and a source of magical power. This book dives into their versatility, covering:

  • Reading different rune signs
  • The spiritual and mythic origins of the runes
  • Rune-based divination and enhancing clairvoyance
  • Using runes for magic and healing

This is a book from my personal collection and is no longer in print.

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