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Mabon in Adelaide: 20th March


FREE shipping on all orders over $150 within Australia
Mabon in Adelaide: March 20th



Only 1 left in stock


Learn the lore of wand making and gain a powerful new tool for magical workings of all sorts in Wandlore. Written by the foremost authority on the making of wands, this book is the first devoted solely to the art of wandmaking and its mysteries.

Learn how a tree branch transforms into a wand of magic!  From selecting the wood and working in harmony with the tree spirits (or dryads). To understanding the magical correspondences of different stones, colours, and metals. Learn hidden aspects such as how the four-part design of a magic wand relates to the four alchemical elements, and the role of astrology, elemental correspondences, and the spheres of existence in wand making.

Wandlore is ground breaking and belongs in the library of every practising magician, witch, wizard, or druid!

Want to learn more about magic? Click HERE for all free resources or join the Inner Circle for more in-depth lessons.

Every witch needs a library packed full of magical guides, lore and spells. A library where one runs their finger along the spine of each magical tome to weave their magic.
Allow Speak in Spells to do the hard work for you and find only the very best of magical texts!
In order to be able to supply the best books for all witches, same books will not return to the library.

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