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Mabon in Adelaide: 20th March


FREE shipping on all orders over $150 within Australia
Mabon in Adelaide: March 20th

Book of Shadows and Light, Journal


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This deluxe illustrated book of Shadows and Light is full of profound and magical wisdom. Lucy Cavendish gives insight about the lunar cycles, the Wheel of the Year and the time-honoured traditions of witchcraft.

A Book of Shadows and Light is your own sacred journal. Add pictures, clippings and cuttings for things you resonate with. This journal is truly one of the best and biggest journals to come from an Australian author!

Through countless inspired quotes and musings, Lucy imparts her extraordinary experience & knowledge to assist you in connecting with your divine wisdom, self-knowledge and natural gifts of intuition.

  • Features cream-coloured premium quality wood-free paper
  • A combination of lined and unlined pages so you can write, paint or draw.

268 pages
Size: 18 cm (w) x 23.5 cm (h)

Want to learn more about magic? Click HERE for all free resources or join the Inner Circle for more in-depth lessons.

Every witch needs a library packed full of magical guides, lore and spells. A library where one runs their finger along the spine of each magical tome to weave their magic.
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In order to be able to supply the best books for all witches, same books will not return to the library.

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