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Mabon in Adelaide: 20th March


FREE shipping on all orders over $150 within Australia
Mabon in Adelaide: March 20th

Witchy Magic


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Witchy Magic is an enchanting adventure into the Craft of the Wise, with clear guidance on how you can access this ancient knowledge to create the life you dream of.

Take responsibility for your life and transform every word and action into an alchemical tool of change.
Step into the world between the worlds and the wisdom of your inner witch to create an inspiring, magical life.

Within the pages of Witchy Magic you will:

  • Learn how to create your own magic through connecting with nature.
  • Craft and cast trusted spells for love, health, joy, wisdom, success and authenticity.
  • Weave magic with the seasons, the moon cycles and the elements of the natural world.
  • Celebrate the Sabbats with deep rituals and delicious seasonal treats.
  • Cast circles, create an altar, brew Witchy potions and craft enchanted
  • Meet Dianic Wicca founder Z Budapest, Priestess of Avalon Kathy Jones and many more

A truly magical book written by an Australian author for the Southern Hemisphere!

Want to learn more about magic? Click HERE for all free resources or join the Inner Circle for more in-depth lessons.

Every witch needs a library packed full of magical guides, lore and spells. A library where one runs their finger along the spine of each magical tome to weave their magic.
Allow Speak in Spells to do the hard work for you and find only the very best of magical texts!
In order to be able to supply the best books for all witches, same books will not return to the library.

Join Speak in Spells on social media for updates:
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